February 15, 2025
English TKP News

President of Embratur participates in the Tourism and Innovation Day in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro

Marcelo Freixo presented actions developed by the Consortium of Universities; The collaboration between the Agency and the UFF will improve the tourist experience based on data

The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, was in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, this Monday (18), to participate in the Tourism and Innovation Conference, promoted by the Project Center of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). The intention of the event, which has the support of the Agency, was to debate innovation with teachers, the productive sector and the government in order to strengthen the development of innovative initiatives in tourism and other areas.

On the occasion, Freixo reaffirmed the commitment assumed in 2023 with the UFF and presented the actions already developed by EmbraturLAB, Embratur’s innovation laboratory, and highlighted how innovation can boost the economic and sustainable development of tourism in Brazil.

“Today we have here not only the Fluminense Federal University, but the PUC, the Rural, the UniRio, the UFRJ, the Faetec, the IF… It is a very important expansion not only for education, science, research, extension to bring tourism to The debate on innovation and technology. Tourism is the great solution for this country to generate jobs and income with sustainability due to the diversity and potential we have. If we bring innovation, we bring it closer to a democratic perspective so that more people can enjoy all the rich diversity it has. We will not have one Brazil for tourism and another for Brazilians, we will have one, with more justice, with more employment, with more democracy, and universities have a fundamental role in that,” he noted.

The president of the Agency also highlighted specific EmbraturLAB initiatives, such as acceleration of startups and alliances with companies such as Google, Airbnb and Turistech HUB. In all of them, according to Freixo, the mission is to adopt technological solutions and innovative practices that have the potential to redefine the tourist experience in Brazil, with the aim of reaching, developing and testing solutions that impact the promotion of the Brazilian destination.

The priorities are to improve the experience of national and international tourists, the digitalization and democratization of technology in the tourism sector through open innovation.

The consortium of universities EmbraturLAB and the UFF have an alliance, signed last year, during the Rio Innovation Week, which aims to promote Brazil as a destination based on scientific methodologies and knowledge.

From the Consortium of Universities, the Embratur innovation laboratory will develop similar projects with educational institutions throughout the country, which will collect data, map information and, thus, promote collaboration between the different actors in the sector.

For Embratur’s Innovation Manager, Edivaldo Reis, with a more structured database it is possible to be more assertive in the promotion of tourism marketing and generate new opportunities in tourism.

“We will promote new businesses in the tourism field and for entrepreneurs. Through it we will be able to promote possibilities for creating new businesses, based on the strategic use of the data that an application will make available,” she highlighted.

According to the manager, the UFF, the first to participate in the digital inventory, will provide methodological support in the preparation of the survey, also adding the issue of sustainability as the foundation of the project.

Source : It is taken.

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