September 13, 2024
English TKP News

Peru is committed to community tourism

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez, announced the approval of a Law that will allow the consolidation of the sustainable development of the activity in the country.

The new Law for the Promotion and Development of Community Tourism establishes a series of provisions for the activity by strengthening the powers of the communities. According to the text, the ministry must promote articulations with public entities linked to the sustainable development of this type of tourism, with local or regional governments and with the private sector settled in the territory of the communities, to strengthen the governance of Community Tourism.

With this, it is sought to promote this type of attractions that generate benefits for the communities at an economic, social, cultural and environmental level, turning them into links in a productive chain of commitments and responsibilities that involve not only the economic but also the protection of the environment.

“Thanks to the new law, we will continue working to consolidate Community Tourism products, respecting the natural and cultural heritage of the communities, in addition to strengthening the governance of this activity through public-private articulation. Additionally, we will carry out effective promotion and communication actions that highlight the attributes, benefits and values ​​of Community Tourism, which generates thousands of jobs nationwide,” said the head of Mincetur.

The tourism agency will also promote training, technical assistance and monitoring, among other benefits and incentives for the development, improvement and sustainability of tourism enterprises and products.



    • 2 years ago (Edit)

    Estás iniciativas gubernamental son maravillosas puesto que amplia el panorama del turismo en diferentes culturas.

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